
The Comlacht faction is in the deepest part of the lake. It is built up along the massive underwater trench and each building is connected by an intricate web of bridges. Comlacht is the family of the body so the faction is home to builders, laborers, warriors etc. 


As the Royal family of the Mind, the Intinn faction is home to intellectuals, teachers, scientists etc. This faction was built inside of an underwater cave beneath lodegepole island. They tend to strive to stay modern so the architecture is made up mostly of skyscrapers and given the fact that they are under water, in a cave the lights are always on and looking brilliant. 


This faction is in the middle of a massive garden and built in one of the more shallow parts of the lake. As thus, it is flooded with sunlight all day. The buildings are made of marble with golden roofs. Spoirad represents the spirit and is full of caretakers, adventurers, etc.


Much like the rest of its faction Comlacht Castle is a vast maze of bridges, halls and incredible stone stone porches. The rooms are built into the side of the trench so the "hallways" are actually fantastic stone porches.


The tallest castle out of the three Royal families. Countless floors and hallways with marvelous, gravity defying architecture. 


A vast building with white marble walls, giant glass windows and glorious golden roofs. There is a central courtyard garden along with the outlying one.